Friday, October 17, 2008

Man just might be able to live on bread alone!

Okay, so I know that man really can't live on bread alone, but his bread is good enough that they just might try. All you have to do to make this marvelous stuff is to add water and yeast to the mix then viola! It is soo good!! This was made from mix that was three years old and it tasted absolutely fabulous. Unfortunately this is going to have to be somewhat of a preview post because the product is just going on the market and the creators haven't created a name yet. I will keep you posted on the details, but until then, trust me, you're gonna love this stuff!


Stephanie said...

cool, my sister made me some bread and muffin mixes and I love that.

Pokemon said...

I am interested to hear more about this mix. I love bread!

Izzy said...

Always interested in bread mixes. Now you have me intrigued! Come on give a hint! We're loading up the ark I've just got to know ;)